Joint Campaign for Greener Arbitrations and Herbert Smith Freehills event brings sustainability to the forefront of Dispute Resolution

·        To mark Earth Overshoot Day, the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations and Herbert Smith Freehills LLP recently co-hosted a webinar on “Sustainability in Arbitration – Reducing the Environmental Impact of our Disputes”. Panellists delved into the steps we can take to achieve more environmentally sustainable arbitrations and why it is so important. 

Moderated by Herbert Smith Freehills associate Helin Laufer, the webinar was delivered by the following speakers from the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations’ Steering Committee: 

·        Christopher Newmark, Arbitrator and Mediator, Spenser Underhill Newmark LLP;

·        Samantha Bakstad, Senior Legal Counsel, BP;

·        Kiran Sanghera, Business Development Deputy Director, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre;

·        Maguelonne de Brugiere, Senior Associate, Herbert Smith Freehills. 

The panellists considered:

·        The drivers for greater environmental sustainability awareness and change in international arbitration, and discussed the various case studies conducted by Lucy Greenwood and Dechert, as well as Herbert Smith Freehills, analysing the carbon footprint of arbitration proceedings and key contributors to emissions;

·        The practical measures that can be taken, both on the level of individual arbitrations and more widely to reduce the environmental impact of the global arbitration community. The panellists discussed reviewing travel practices, longer term trends towards virtual or hybrid hearings post Covid-19, e-bundles, end-to-end case management tools, as well as other important steps to minimise the carbon footprint of proceedings including a reviewing energy providers, cooperating with other players such as hearing venues or suppliers to reduce energy consumption during carbon intensive stages of proceedings, and carbon offsetting. 

·        Who should be driving this change, including the roles that institutions, tribunals, counsel and clients have to play in the effort to achieve greater environmental sustainability in the conduct of arbitrations.

Everyone can and must play their part in reducing the environmental impact of international arbitrations.


Hong Kong Arbitration Week shines a spotlight on sustainability


Raising awareness during October