Upcoming events
View upcoming events and speaking engagements in which the Campaign is participating, hosting or sponsoring.
Paris Arbitration Week - CGA Events
The CGA is honored to host two events during PAW 2025! See details below and join us in-person or online.
Arbitral Institutions and Sustainability: Observations, Obstacles, and Outlook for the Future
Wednesday 9 April 2025
10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Join prominent leaders from top global arbitral institutions as they explore the evolving landscape of sustainability in international arbitration procedures. This engaging panel led by key figures of the Campaign of Greener Arbitrations will address the latest initiatives being adopted by institutions to reduce their environmental footprint, the obstacles they encounter, the progress achieved so far, and their vision for a greener future in international arbitration.
Click here for more details and to register.
The Campaign for Greener Arbitrations' Sustainability Walk Through Paris
Thursday 10 April 2025
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Join the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations ("CGA") for our third annual PAW Green Walk!
During this gently paced stroll through Paris, participants will connect with fellow CGA supporters and learn more about sustainability in international arbitration.
At this year's walk, leaders of the CGA will share experiences with green service providers and vendors - from document production and printing suppliers, caterers, marketing professionals, and more.
All are warmly welcomed to join, even if you have not registered!
The walk will end near the PAW Games so that participants may join in the fun of cheering on PAW Games contestants in the “battle of seats”.
Meet us inside the Jardin des Tuileries Entrance:
· Concorde metro exit 1 (Jeu de Paume / Jardin des Tuileries)
· Beside the entrance of the Jeu de Paume museum
· GPS coordinates 48.866152, 2.323598
Click here for more details and to register.
Insights from the Green Survey Report: Key Findings & The Path Forward
Join us for the first in a series of virtual roundtables to discuss the key findings of the Report On The Green Survey: Arbitration Institutions in Focus. This interactive session will bring together regional stakeholders to examine the current landscape of sustainable practices within arbitration institutions, highlight opportunities for improvement and consider how the Campaign can best support institutions in their transition to more environmentally responsible operations.
Format: Virtual discussion via Zoom
Facilitators: CGA Task Force Co-Chairs, Kiran Sanghera (Deputy Secretary General, HKIAC) and Karen Tan (Chief Strategy Officer, Maxwell Chambers)
Attendees: Institutions and arbitration practitioners
Click here to register: https://go.maxwellchambers.com/CGA_RoundtableDiscussion
Washington Arbitration Week
Stay tuned for more information on CGA’s participation in WAW.
More information here: https://washingtonarbitrationweek.com/
New York Arbitration Week
Stay tuned for more information on CGA’s participation in NYAW.
More information here: https://nyarbitrationweek.com/
Dubai Arbitration Week
Stay tuned for more information on CGA’s participation in Dubai Arbitration Week.
More information here: http://dubaiarbitrationweek.com/
Hong Kong Arbitration Week
Stay tuned for CGA initiatives at HK Arbitration Week.
More information here: https://www.hkiac.org/events/2024-hong-kong-arbitration-week

Towards More Sustainable Arbitration Practices: The ACICA Protocol on Sustainability
Join ACICA’s Sustainability Task Force and the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations during Australian Arbitration Week to discuss ways to embed sustainable practices in international arbitration.
Daisy Mallet, Chair ACICA Sustainability Task Force
Anna Kirk, CGA
Caroline Swartz-Zern, ACICA
Amanda Lees, KWM
Amanda Murphy, BHP
Mark Mangan, Lindsay, Francis & Mangan
ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR – Commission Meeting in Mexico City - Panel on “The Newly Composed Commission: Quo Vadis?”
ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR – Commission Meeting in Mexico City
Panel on “The Newly Composed Commission: Quo Vadis?”
Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City
Cherine Foty, Co-Chair of the CGA Global Steering Committee, will speak at the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR’s Commission Meeting in Mexico City on Saturday, September 14, 2024 (10:00-11:00am CST) at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Cherine will discuss the increased need for sustainability and ESG considerations in the work of the ICC Commission. She will speak to the work of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations and synergies between the ICC’s sustainability objectives, and the cost-effective, waste-reducing measures proposed by the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations’ Green Protocols. She will discuss a proposal to bring the ICC Rules in line with sustainability standards and best practices.
She will speak alongside:
Melanie van Leeuwen (Moderator – Chair of the Commission on Arbitration and ADR)
Cecilia Azar (Commission Vice-Chair ICC Mexico)
Peter Durning Jr. (Commission Vice-Chair ICC USA/USCIB)
Nudrat Pracha (Commission Delegate ICC Pakistan)
The Commission on Arbitration and ADR is ICC Disputes Resolution Services’ unique think tank. To enable thought leadership in the field of dispute resolution, it pools expertise and raises awareness and understanding on practical and legal issues in arbitration and ADR. To adapt to the latest legislative and technological developments and to meet the evolving needs of practitioners and businesses everywhere, the commission also provides input on proposed modifications of dispute resolution rules applied in ICC Dispute Resolution Services prior to their submission to the Executive Board for approval. In its research capacity, the commission studies legal, procedural and practical aspects of arbitration and ADR in the interest of access to justice and efficient and cost-effective dispute resolution. Carrying out specific projects in Task Forces or Working Groups, its work results in concrete guidance and useful tools, recommendations or model clauses often shaped or included in practical reports and guides published in free booklets and electronic format on the ICC website or in the ICC Bulletin.
Walk & Talk at Singapore Convention Week
Get ready to walk the talk of sustainability in Singapore during the Singapore Convention Week. Connect, explore and engage in conversations while taking a leisure walk through the hidden gems of Tanjong Pagar.
LIDW24 (London International Disputes Week)
Strolling in London for a Greener Future
Join the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations for a picturesque stroll along the Thames and through Inner Temple Gardens. Members of our Steering and Regional Committees including Andrew McKenzie, Stephanie Mbonu, Göçke Uyar and Taryn Auchecorne will share how they have put the Green Pledge into practice, implemented the Green Protocols, and introduced sustainable behaviours and Green Actions within their organisations and look forward to welcoming LIDW attendees for some fresh air and conversation.
Please register for the walk at the link below or turn up on the day.
Registration and more information here: https://2024.lidw.co.uk/event/244
CanArbWeek Sustainbility Walk
Join the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations ("CGA") on a gently paced walk through Toronto. Connect with fellow CGA supporters as we explore the city of Toronto's sustainability efforts and learn about CGA initiatives while making our way to the Kroll CanArbWeek Gala Welcome Reception.
We will meet outside the front doors of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in the Bay Adelaide Centre East Tower courtyard.
All are warmly welcomed to join, even if you have not registered!
More information and registration here.
This event is organized by the CGA North America Committee.
Mexico Arbitration Week
CGA’s Latin America Regional Committee is delighted to invite you to the event that will take place on May 28 at 6:30 p.m. This event will be hosted by one of our Latin America Committee member, Rodrigo Zamora Etcharren.
During this meeting, we will discuss the CGA's initiatives and how arbitration can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to learn, connect and collaborate with the future of arbitration and environmental sustainability!
Register here.

Pakistan International Arbitration Weekend
Pakistan International Disputes Weekend (PIDW) is an annual legal convention organised in South Asia’s emerging hub of dispute resolution with the objective of connecting dispute resolution practitioners, both virtually and in-person, from around the world on a single platform to engage in rich dialogue with global masters of the trade.
PIDW is globally recognised as an international symbol for ‘reviewing, reflecting and reviving’ the practice of dispute resolution globally.
For more information and to register: https://pidw.pk/
ICCA 2024 Hong Kong
Details to follow on CGA’s participation.
Registration: https://icca2024.hk/
Istanbul Arbitration Days
CGA is pleased to announce that Andrew Mackenzie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Arbitration Centre and recently appointed Co-Chair of CGA Europe, will share information about CGA at Istanbul Arbitration Days this April.
More information and registration here: https://istanbularbitrationdays.com/
#YoungITATalks: Perspectives and Crossroads from the East: Emerging Roads
Join Hamza Nizam Kazi, Co-Chair of CGA MENA, as he presents CGA initiatives and discusses the Green Protocols at this webinar. Hamza will join panelists Ank Santens (White & Case), Ahmer Bilal Soofi (ABS & Co), Eugenia Stavropoulou (Kim & Chang) and moderator Ibrahim Ati (New York City Bar Association, EU) in this session of #YoungITATalks series.
Webinar begins at 7:00 PM CET (6:00 PM BST / 12:00 Noon Houston time).
Find more information and register here.
Johannesburg Arbitration Week
Details to follow on CGA’s participation.
Registration: https://johannesburgarbitrationweek.co.za/
Paris Arbitration Week 2024 - The Campaign for Greener Arbitrations Panel
Details to follow
Registration: https://parisarbitrationweek.com/event/the-campaign-for-greener-arbitrations-panel/
Venue: Linklaters LLP, 25 Rue de Marignan, 75008 Paris

GNLU-GAIL Conference on Arbitration in Oil and Gas Disputes
CGA India is a proud ESG Supporting Partner of the GNLU-GAIL Conference on Arbitration in Oil and Gas Disputes!
Abinash Barik (Finvest Legal), Co-Chair of CGA India, will introduce the Campaign and the newly formed India Committee to event participants.
Register here.
More information here.
Strolling in Central Park for a Greener Future - Join the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations & Sopra Legal at NYAW
Join the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations & Sopra Legal for a picturesque stroll through Central Park prior to NYAW’s “Welcome to NY” Reception. Take in the beautiful greenery of the park while connecting with fellow CGA supporters and learning more about sustainability in international arbitration. Leaders of the CGA will share how they have put the Green Pledge into practice, implemented the Green Protocols, and institutionalized sustainable behaviors and Green Actions within their structures.
We will end our walk at the New York Historical Society, just in time for those attending NYAW’s opening cocktail reception!
During this walk, we will announce the winner of CGA's NYAW Sustainability Contest, which will take place during New York Arbitration Week. The contest will reward sustainable actions taken during NYAW (and beyond). The aim is to encourage sustainable behavior amongst NYAW attendees and encourage those who are making efforts to reduce their environmental impact. Details of the Sustainability Contest to be announced shortly.
This event will take place on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 ▫ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm ET
Register to join the walk here: https://forms.gle/VCRYuE4Cpz26pZHq6
Queries: hello@sopralegal.com
Persons with a health condition or impairment who require special assistance to attend the event are invited to let us know how we can assist.
From Commitment to Action: Corporate ESG Strategies & The Future of Green Arbitration (simultaneous event taking place live in NY and Miami during NYAW and MAW)
From Commitment to Action: Corporate ESG Strategies & The Future of Green Arbitration.
An increasing number of companies commit to ESG principles to improve the sustainability of their operations, bolster their long-term financial performance and gain a competitive edge. At this event organized by the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations North America Committee, an interactive panel of corporate counsel and practitioners will discuss the business implications of these ESG principles, the disclosure requirements they comply with, and how the principles of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations can be integrated in their sustainability programs, while also improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness in their arbitrations. The program will be held in-person simultaneously at Freshfields in New York and Reed Smith in Miami.
Speakers to be announced shortly.
This event will take place on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 ▫ 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm ET
To register to attend the event at Freshfields in New York, click here. From Commitment to Action: Corporate ESG Strategies & The Future of Green Arbitration (eventogy.com)
To register to attend the event at ReedSmith in Miami, click here. Nov 14 - Commitment to Action: Corporate ESG Strategies & The Future of Green Arbitration | RSVP (Prefill) (reedsmith.com)
NY/NJ/CA CLE credit will be provided.
Supporting Organizations:
AAA-ICDR | CPR | JAMS | The Florida Bar International Law Section | Miami International Arbitration Society | Miami Arbitration Week | New York International Arbitration Center
New York Arbitration Week 2023
See the event listing below for details on CGA’s events during NYAW.
More on NYAW here: https://nyarbitrationweek.com/
Miami Arbitration Week 2023
See the event listing below for details on CGA’s event during MAW.
More on MAW here: https://www.mias.org/miami-arbitration-week
2023 Hong Kong Arbitration Week
2023 Hong Kong Arbitration Week is scheduled to take place from 16-20 October 2023 at Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.
More details here
Campaign for Greener Arbitrations – BLG Interactive Breakfast Roundtable at CanArbWeek 2023 - HYBRID EVENT
Join CGA-NA for a hybrid interactive breakfast roundtable presented by the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations North America Committee (CGA-NA), taking place just before CanArbWeek registration on Monday, October 16 from 8:30 – 9:30 ET at BLG. We invite you to join remotely if you are unable to join in-person.
We will discuss trends in green initiatives for cost-effective and efficient arbitrations. The discussion will be facilitated by CGA-NA members Eleanor Dennis (Baker McKenzie), Glenn Gibson (BLG) and Ryan Hicks (Freshfields). This hybrid event will be hosted by BLG.
Details here: https://canarbweek.org/events/campaign-for-greener-arbitrations-roundtable-separate-registration/
Register to attend in person or remotely here: https://www.eventcreate.com/e/cga-canarbweek23
More on CanArb week here: https://canarbweek.org/
São Paulo Arbitration Week
Stay tuned for details on CGA Latin America / Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem – CBAr (Brazilian Arbitration Committee) collaboration!
More details on São Paulo Arbitration Week here: https://www.sparbitrationweek.com.br/
“Efficiency, productivity and sustainability in modern hearings– it doesn’t have to be a choice.”
Greener Arbitrations MENA invites you to a talk organised with Opus 2, the legal technology company, and supported by ADGM.
Moderated by Khushboo Shahdadpuri.
Speakers: Taryn Auchecorne (Opus 2), Julian Haslam-Jones (CCi), Alison Eslick (Reed Smith) and Aarta Alkarimi (Chrysalis).
Find out how Opus 2 has been enabling dispute resolution proceedings globally to become more sustainable, productive and efficient.
Discuss key challenges in achieving greater productivity and efficiency
Learn ways to conduct more sustainable and secure proceedings, in person and remote
Take away practical insights on how to use technology to achieve these goals from the outset of the dispute
Register here: https://go.opus2.com/adgm-cga-event
Has Arbitration Lost Its Edge, and If So, How Do We Fix It? The Length and Costs of International Arbitration Proceedings – Atlanta International Arbitration Society’s 12th Annual Conference
Olivier André, Client Relationship Advisor at Freshfields and Chair of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations North America Committee, will be facilitating a tertulia panel titled “Has Arbitration Lost Its Edge, and If So, How Do We Fix It? The Length and Costs of International Arbitration Proceedings” at the upcoming Atlanta International Arbitration Society’s 12th Annual Conference. The panel will take place on October 2, 2023 between 3:40-4:50 pm ET, and will also be an opportunity to learn how adopting greener arbitration practices can improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness in arbitration. Other facilitators include Anna Kozmenko, (Partner, Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland), Shelby Grubbs (Arbitrator, Mediator, and Special Master, JAMS, Atlanta) and Nancy Baughan (Partner, Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP, Atlanta).
For more information and registration visit https://arbitrateatlanta.org/12th-annual-atlas-conference/
Everything ESG - 2023 Trends and Updates on ESG Disputes / 2023 Corporate Counsel Women of Color (CCWC) 19th Annual Career Strategies Conference
Cherine Foty, Vice President of CGA Global Steering Committee, will speak at the 2023 Corporate Counsel Women of Color (CCWC) 19th Annual Career Strategies Conference - Panel on "Everything ESG - 2023 Trends and Updates on ESG Disputes" on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 (2:00-3:00pm ET) at the Gaylord National Harbor near Washington, D.C.
The panel will discuss ESG Disputes including within international commercial arbitration, investment treaty arbitration, climate change litigation and arbitration, and United Nations, EU, and OECD NCP mechanisms, including the CGA Green Protocols. The panel will also address the backlash against ESG in the United States, the implementation of company net-zero commitments, and trends in greenwashing litigation and enforcement. Other speakers include Shanda Galloway Botts, CCEP, Sofia Martos, and Melissa Colon-Bosolet.
Corporate Counsel Women of Color was founded in 2004 with the mission to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession. Today, CCWC is the nation’s largest organization for corporate in-house women of color attorneys, who work for Fortune 1000 and Forbes 2000 Legal Departments. In addition, CCWC represents over 10,000 lawyers, judges, lawyer entrepreneurs, and law students. CCWC’s breadth and reach extend to every region of the United States, as well as Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Corporate Counsel Women of Color is in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2023.
Register here: https://ccwomenofcolor.org/events/