Workshop: Shaping the Future of International Arbitration Conferences and Training

By Invitation Global Workshop for international arbitration community to consider proactively shaping the future of international arbitration conferences & training.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 10am - 1pm Eastern Time organized by the Campaign for Greener Arbitration North America Committee

By invitation only. Please contact Ryan Hicks, Committee Secretary, for more information.

While the Workshop is by invitation only, key takeaways will be shared widely so that the entire arbitration community globally can consider and take advantage of the ideas generated by our keynote speakers and from our breakout discussions.

At the Workshop, we will seek to maximize and expand upon what arbitration event organizers have learned about the best use of the virtual and hybrid format during the global pandemic. We want to assist organizations to be proactive in shaping the format of future international arbitration conferences and training after the pandemic to best serve the interests of all concerned.

The Workshop’s objective is to canvass the subject of greener arbitration conferences from multiple perspectives, including environmental considerations, objectives of organizing and host entities, the needs of the presenters and trainers, diversity, and maximizing value to the members of the international arbitration community who attend and participate at greener arbitration events.

Delegates will share best practices and lessons learned during the pandemic and explore how to organize greener arbitration events going forward. A fundamental part of the Workshop will be a discussion of how to combine the benefits gleaned from the pandemic of virtual programs, and also achieve the benefits of physical in-person gatherings and face-to-face human contact in a “greener” way. We will discuss current and future technology options and platforms. In short, we invite delegates to focus pro-actively on how we can “shape the future” of greener arbitration events.

Follow us on Linkedin for further updates.

The Workshop will be generously hosted by Arbitration Place to which we extend our appreciation for their assistance and support.


Shaping the Future of International Arbitration Conferences and Training


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